Keeping Your Skin Glowing | An Internal and External Perspective

When you see yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing that you observe?

Your skin, for sure! 

But are you doing your best to take care of the largest organ of the body that accounts for your complete appearance?

If not, let's dive into the basics of maintaining healthy, glowing, and luminous skin without breaking the bank!

Skin as mentioned is the largest organ of your body, with 3 main layers – epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Yet your skin remains the most neglected part of your body.  It is a pure reflection of what's going inside of you and also works as a marvelous indicator to portray your internal body health.  If you  pay close attention to basic skin-improving methods, you will find simple methods  you use and tweak to suit your daily routine. 

The Internal and External Factors Affecting Your Skin:

Four main factors are affecting your skin health:

  • Topical Skincareto keep skin plumped from the outside
  • Diet & Nutritionto provide your skin with all of the essential nutrients needed to shine bright
  • Mental & Emotional Healthto ward off stress and maintain a healthy internal body environment.
  • Facial Exercises– to keep your muscles tight and prevent sagging or wrinkling.

If you are someone who is exceptionally fond of the ultimate daytime and nighttime skincare regime, you may be aware that there are some days when no matter what you do, YOUR SKIN DOESN'T CARE!  This occurs when you are only concentrating on the external aspects while totally abandoning your internal body health.

Healthy and happy skin is a concoction of both internal and external perspectives. Pair up your skincare regime with some basic facial exercises, a clean and mostly plant-based diet, and an unruffled and peaceful mind to address the root cause of your problems.

Here's what you can do to achieve your dream skin!

Go for clean, non-toxic, simple products:

Keep a minimal and simplified regimen for your skin. DO NOT go for a 10 step skincare routine or others like that. It will be too much for your skin by stripping it off and damaging the skin barrier. 

The more you pair your most effective products and have the smallest amount of potentially irritating ingredients, the better your skin does. Also, don't forget to put your sunscreen on because you certainly don't want to get old early.

How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally:

You are what you eat! At times, for some people, it takes a long time to recognize and appreciate how food may impact your body and health.  Nonetheless, it is imperative to nourish your body with a variety of fresh and whole foods to get a clear and healthy complexion. Whatever you eat reflects through your skin, so a clean diet will render the best results long-term.

Start fueling the skin cells from the inside. Start focusing on a plant-based diet like,

  • Complex Carbs – helps to maintain a healthy bowel system that ensures toxin removal from the body.
  • Fresh fruits and Vegetables – a great source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Seeds and Nuts – rich in omega-3 & 6 and vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium

According to research, Vitamin A, C, and E are the most abundant vitamins that are essential for skin health.  Hence, enrich your body with a good amount of superfoods like blueberries, avocados, probiotics like yogurt and antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, E, zinc, and selenium. Research also unveils that Vitamin C contains collagen-boosting properties. These foods will collectively provide a balanced pH to your skin and a robust and boosted immune system which is a key to healthy glowing skin.

Yoga Face Exercises:                 


Yoga face exercises or simply facial muscle stretching can do wonders for your skin! Yoga helps to relax your face and body by enhancing blood circulation to promote a tight and plumped look.

Check out this video for 3 best face yoga exercises

Some other face yoga exercises may include. 

  • Lift Your Eyebrows and hold for 5-10 seconds
  • Stretch your eyelids and again hold for 5-10 seconds
  • Puff Your Cheeks and hold for 20 seconds
  • Kiss & Smile 10-15 times 

Homemade Skin Care Products:

Regular bathing (yes daily), homemade skincare masks, scrubs, and moisturizers are a great addition to your luxury skincare regime.

Try out this homemade mask for glowing skin for the face, neck, chest and arms:

  • 1 Tbsp. gram flour
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 2-3 drops of lemon
  • 1 tsp. of yogurt

Make a paste and apply it all over your neck and face. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water and a warm cloth. 

Another great mask for moisturizing your skin is, 

  • Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 1 tsp. cucumber juice
  • 1 tsp. yogurt

Mix well and apply to your face, neck and chest. If the paste seems too drippy then you can place a tissue over your skin and then apply the mixture on top and leave for 20-30 minutes. This will act like a sheet mask.

"Skinimalism" | Let Your Inner Beauty Shine Through!

Just like how everyone loves a minimalist style for almost anything, your makeup look should also follow a minimalist approach. Skinimalism refers to a clean, light, and extremely natural makeup look that requires the slightest makeup. It focuses on letting your skin peek through your makeup and avoiding that cake-face look. 

A minimal amount of makeup lets your skin breathe during the day. This leads to a lower chance of acne, wrinkling and early signs of aging.  Thick and heavily applied makeup can increase the possibility of early signs of aging and also increases the risk of acne.  

The Final TakeAway!

Skin is the only part of your body that actually tells you and the world how healthy, beautiful, and confident you are inside out.  No matter what age you are keep  making all of the conscious efforts to maintain your skin's natural, healthy glow. It's your skin, and only you know how to treat it well. So take care of it, and it will take care of you! 

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